New workshops schedule for 2024 info and reservations at:

Marleux announced its first workshop with ambassador Pietro Formis , welcome to join the trip, each of the first 6 participants will get abundant gifts from marelux , value over 750usd. 1. a SOFT LITE SNOOT, 2. an auto vaccum pump, 3. a high qualty golf cap, 4. marelux T-shirt.

LOCATION: Anilao, Philippines

LANGUAGE: English only

LEVEL: All Levels

Book your place, ask for info here

July 13-21th - Workshop wide angle- Safari Cruise in the north of the Red Sea, departure from Sharm el Sheikh

LOCATION: Sharm el Shaikh, Egypt

LANGUAGE: English/Italian

LEVEL: All Levels

Book your place, ask for info here

Being awarded at Wildlife Photographer of the Year is unforgettable. "Hintze hall" at Natural History Museum, London was tinted with red lights whilst the skeleton of the blue whale "Hope" was standing above us, I cannot describe the magical atmosphere! The exhibition is overwhelming, with stories of awareness, hope, change, and of course beauty. Being part of this collection makes me extremely proud. Huge congratulations to all the awarded photographers, from "grand title winner" Laurent Ballesta to the incredibly talented young photographers awarded, it is an honour to stand by your side.  I was so lucky to share these days with my family and with my love Ilaria Mariagiulia Please have a look at the #WPY59 awarded mages here:

It has been a wonderful EUDI show this Year in Bologna.

Proud to be side by side with SONY Italia Team, meeting lots of photographers interested in SONY Aplha System for underwater photography.

Thank you all for participating in my presentations on macro and wide-angle photography, see you next Year in Bologna!

I will be awarded as highly commended in the next edition of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year #WPY59 with this photo "DEATH IN WAITING".

The award ceremony will take place in London next October 10 at Natural History Museum but it is already available in a preview of 16 selected photos awarded.

This picture was taken in Rijeka, Croatia and represents a Mediterranean Stargazer (Uranoscopus scaber).

This is not a rare encounter in the Mediterranean Sea but this species is not easy to spot as it stays mostly buried in the sand the only elements emerging from the sea floor are its eyes, which seem looking towards the sky, hence its name.

It is an incredible fish with remarkable superpowers: it is almost invisible, perfectly camouflaged, has a strange, worm-shaped tongue which it uses to attract his prays.

It then swallows them so fast they have no time to react. This fish has also poisonous thorns and can even release electric shocks!

I wanted to represent this amazing specimen by enhancing its scary features, as a lurking predator, and to convey this tense atmosphere.

The result is a sort of ghostly face that emerges from a curtain of water.

The feeling is that something terrible is about to happen, and in fact for its prey it is.

Find out more and and take a look at the other 15 preview photos of #WPY59 in this article published on BBC >>> in this article published on BBC >>>

July 08-15th - Workshop wide angle- Safari Cruise in the north of the Red Sea, departure from Sharm el Sheikh

LOCATION: Sharm el Shaikh, Egypt

LANGUAGE: Italian/English

LEVEL: All Levels

Book your place, ask for info here

May 06-16th - Workshop and photocontest at Fisherman's Cove dive resort in Puerto Galera - Philippines

LOCATION: Puerto Galera, Philippines

LANGUAGE: Italian/English

LEVEL: All Levels

Book your place, ask for info here

June 10-11th - UW Basic Workshop at DIVENJOY diving center in Noli, Italy.

LOCATION: Noli, Italy


LEVEL: Beginner

Book your place, ask for info here

Apri 15-16th - Advanced Macro Workshop at DIVENJOY diving center in Noli, Italy.

LOCATION: Noli, Italy


LEVEL: Advanced

Book your place, ask for info here

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